Creation story Faith Toddler activities

Creation Day 5 activities for toddlers

We’re on Creation Day 5! So it’s sea creatures and birds week in our house..

This week we did a two part at project on Monday and Tuesday, and we did a Sensory activity on Thursday.

Dialogue you can repeat to your toddler everyday this week:

Question: Who made the fishes and birds ?

Toddler: God. (God made the fishes and birds – for older toddlers)

Art project

Monday – Sea creatures

We made some paper crafts for sea creatures – a very simple fish and a crab. I cut a diagonal part of a blue paper plate we had. If you don’t have one you can always color the paper plate you have with any color. We pasted the triangle I cut as the fish’s tail. Then we glued a button as the fish’s eye.

We also made a crab out of a paper bowl. This craft can work with a paper plate too. Cut the bowl in half and let the toddler color it red. I finished coloring for him when he got bored. I cut some legs out of red construction paper, which J and I glued to the crab structure. We also glued two buttons for the crab’s eyes.

Talk about God creating all the fishies, sharks and crabbies in the water.

Tuesday – birds

Cur a paper plate in half. Let the toddler color the plate if he likes. I cut bits from different colored construction papers. J and I glued them to the plate and talked about the different colors of birds God created to fly in the sky. I cut some ribbons and we glued them as tails for the bird.

Sensory activity

This is the simplest Sensory activity you can set up. Soak some water beads overnight in water. We got ours from Amazon. Next day the beads would have grown in size and ready for the Sensory bin.

In the bin, I put some mini sea creatures we got from Amazon. J enjoyed this activity very much and even brought out his dump truck to put all the sea creatures into it. We identified all the sea creatures and talked about God making them all.

Creation Day 1 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 2 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 3 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 4 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 5 activities for toddlers

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