Creation story Faith Toddler activities

Creation Day 2 activities for toddlers

It’s week 2 of creation story at our house! Everyday of the week we read the creation story from his toddler Bible. We did 3 activities this week. Monday was the art activity, Wednesday and Friday was sensory activities. I will take you through the activities below.

Dialogue you can repeat to your toddler everyday this week:

Question: Who made the sky and water

Toddler: God. (God made the sky and water – for older toddlers)

Monday – Art activity

I opened just the blue paint in his watercolor set and he wanted to use his fingers to paint today! I sat next to him and drew some clouds and finished the painting with him..

As we painted, we talked about the blue water in the water and the sky above..

Sensory activities

Wednesday – Foam bath Sensory bin

You can set the foam bath with just 2 ingredients. Mix 2 parts of body wash and 1 part of water using a hand mixer( use electric mixer for best results).

I let him play with the foam for sometime while talking about the seas and skies and who made them.. It lasted for about 10 minutes and then he included his toys in his play. It’s a great way to include conversations as his imagination takes over.

Friday – Water beads Sensory bin

This was our first time doing a water beads Sensory bin, and it was a hit!

I got these water beads off of Amazon, and the instructions are pretty simple. You soak as much as needed overnight in water. Keep in mind, the water beads grow a lot in proportion overnight, so you don’t need to soak a lot of beads.

I placed some small scoops inside the bin. J spent so much time playing with the Sensory binm so I had a lot of time to talk to him about God making the water he could scoop.

Creation Day 1 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 2 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 3 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 4 activities for toddlers

Creation Day 5 activities for toddlers

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