Learn by play Sensory bin

Christmas ornaments Scoop & Pour activity

We did another Christmas activity today – and it was a water-based activity, which is J’s favorite kind. This is a great sensory activity to work on the little one’s hand-eye coordination, and also work on those fine motor skills as they play. And the setup cannot be easier.

The activity needs the following:

  • A 6 Quart container like this one.
  • A bowl to pour the ornaments into.
  • Some hollow spoons like a spaghetti server.
  • Christmas ornaments big and small that could be scooped up.

I used some of the ornaments that we did not get to use on the tree. I made sure they did not have any sparkles. I also used simple spherical ones for this activity. I filled about quarter of the container with water and added the ornaments to the water. I placed a bowl close to the container, so he can pour the ornaments into.

J enjoyed this activity so much. He normally likes to take the ornaments from the tree, so he was very satisfied to explore them up close. I showed him how to scoop and pour them, then he followed suit.

Whenever we do a water activity, J gets very excited. He gets wet at the end of course, but we end up doing the activity for longer than usual. After some time he got his dump truck and scooped and poured into that. It was very cute to watch his creativity as he played.

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