Art Projects

Christmas ornament DIY with a toddler

My toddler is now 18 months old and I was looking for some crafts that he could do with us to hang on the tree. Most of the activities were rather too involved or complicated for him, so we toned it down and made simple ones to add to our traditions. We are planning to do one activity each weekend leading up to Christmas. I hope you join along with us.

You will need the following:

  • Cardboard cutouts.
  • Washable paints I got from Amazon.
  • Dot stickers, which I got from Michael’s. You can also find it here online.
  • Rope string like the one here.

I cut out some cardboard packages into the shape of trees. I made it really simple and just cut them into diamonds. Then we all painted them together. It really need not be in any particular manner. J was keen on mixing all the colors and it was so fun to watch.

Next comes the dot stickers! J loves stickers as any toddler would, so this stage was pure joy for him. He stuck so many stickers over all the trees. We chose to stick the yellow sticker on top to represent the star.

When J napped, we hot glued a rope string on each of the ornaments and hung some on the tree after he woke up. All in all, we had so much fun together as a family.

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