Art Projects Toddler activities

Pumpkin Finger Painting

Looking for a way to create a Fall activity for the whole family? Fall is new to us, in the sense we did not have Fall in India. So we were looking for a toddler-friendly activity that involves the whole family. Since our bubba loves to mess with colors, we thought that finger painting would be a great idea. And it was!

You need:

  • A pumpkin (Duh)
  • Finger paint. We have this and love it!
  • A washable floor mat like this one. You need something like this for an activity like this.

You place random spots of finger painting colors all over the pumpkin. The kid will know what to do, trust me!

We had so much fun painting the pumpkin. He even had some fun painting mom and dad in the process. We headed straight to the bath after the activity

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