Fine motor skills Sensory bin

Pouring fun with funnels

We love activities with rice, especially rainbow rice. Lately, my toddler is all about pouring, so we thought this would be a great activity for my 17 mo old.

You will need the following for the activity:

  • Funnel set. I got it from here.
  • A shallow long box, like here.
  • Some clear bottles. You can use some mason jars. I used marinara jars for this.
  • Measuring cups.

The setup is as easy as it looks. You don’t have to have too many jars too initially. My toddler loved it and ofcourse he would like to spill some outside just because its more fun. It gave me more chances to teach him about ‘inside’ and boundaries.

If your toddler is as adventurous as mine, you would need a mat underneath. This is what I should have used for an activity like this. Enjoy!

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