Activities for speech Fine motor skills Sensory bin

Pom Poms Scoop and Pour activity

This is a great activity for working on your toddler’s fine motor skills. And if your toddler is at the age like mine(18-month-old), you can start introducing colors.


  • I used my baking dish for this activity.
  • Pompoms I got from the Dollar store
  • Some small jars or utensils.
  • measuring cups and tea filter to scoop the pompoms.

I showed him how to scoop the pompoms using a filter or cup and poured it into the jar I placed close to him. He was intrigued and tried himself and was really good at it! I was impressed, to say the least.

After a while, he liked to squeeze the water out of the pompoms. During that time, we talked about colors. He could say ‘blue’ and ‘owange’ at the end of the activity. It does not really matter if they cannot tell apart all the colors at this stage yet. We are just introducing them to colors.

You can also introduce words like ‘squeeze’ and ‘pour’. J enjoyed this activity for 40 minutes, after which he was wet and happy! Hope your toddler has loads of fun with this activity like ours did.

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